产品保修卡Product warranty card


 Thank you for purchasing ZGHONproducts. You will enjoy the following services when using ZGHON products.

一、保修承诺Warranty commitment

产品类型Product type承诺政策Commitment policy服务方式Service mode
路由器、交换机、无线信号扩展器、无线AP、网卡、PoE分离器、PoE供电器、4G路由器、4G UFI、USB HUB、扩展坞、线材配件类  Router, switch, wireless repeater, wireless AP,  network card, PoE splitter, PoE power supply, 4G router, 4G UFI, USB HUB,  docking station, cable accessories, etc一年保修  One year warranty客户送修  Customer sent for repair









1. The scope of the warranty is limited to theproduct host. The power cord, various connecting cables and other accessoriesare not covered by the warranty. If these accessories have problems within 7days after purchase, they can be replaced free of charge.

2. If the product has performance problems within 15days after purchase, and there is no scratch on the appearance, it can bedirectly replaced with a new product at the place of purchase.

3. If the product has a performance problem duringthe warranty period, please contact Shenzhen Zhiguanghong Technology Co., Ltd.first. If it is confirmed that product with problems after testing, you couldcontact the purchase place to replace same model or the similar performancereworked product ; If the product with no problem after confirmation, it wouldbe returned as it is. If the product shell has obvious scratches, it could onlybe repaired free of charge.

4. The warranty period of external power supply andwireless external antenna is three months. For the power supply has obvioushard object damage, crack, broken leg, serious deformation, and the power cordhas damage, broken wire, bare core, etc., it would not be replaced for free,and users can purchase it separately.

5. For products that have been guaranteed by ShenzhenZhiguanghong Technology Co., Ltd., the warranty period is still follow theoriginal product.

6. OEM/ODM customized orders shall comply with thenegotiation agreement between the business sales and the customer, which is notincluded in this warranty commitment.

二、下列情况不属于保修范围The followingconditions are not covered by the warranty

1、 超过保修期的。

2、 未按使用说明书要求安装、使用、维护、保管导致的产品故障或损坏。






1,Exceeding the warranty period.

2. Product failure or damage caused by installation,use, maintenance and storage not in accordance with the instructions.

3. Artificial damage, damage and deformation.

4. Failures caused by installation and use inabnormal environments such as high temperature, high pressure and humidity.

5.Damage caused by lightning, flood, earthquake andother natural disasters.


Our company can provide paid maintenance service forproducts beyond warranty. For products with the same problem after paidmaintenance, they will enjoy three months warranty period from the date ofrepair.

三、维修方式Maintenance way



1. Before you send the product for repair, pleasecall the Zhiguanghong Technical Support Hotline to confirm the product failuretype.

2. ZGHON products are jointly insured nationwide. Ifthe product you purchased has a hardware failure within the scope of warrantyand the dealer cannot be contacted, you can take the invoices to obtainwarranty service at the after-sales service center of Shenzhen ZhiguanghongTechnology Co., Ltd; the warranty start date shall be one month after purchasedate if you can not provide invoice .



1. The above service commitment is only applicableto products sold in Chinese Mainland. For other agreed service terms duringsales period please follow the contract confirmed by ZGHON.


The right to interpret and modifythis commitment belongs to Shenzhen Zhiguanghong Technology Co., Ltd


This document will be updatedIrregularly due to product version upgrade or other reasons. All informationherein is for guidance only and does not constitute any form of warranty.




地址: 深圳市坪山区龙田街道龙田社区龙窝四路2号2栋松讯达厂区1号厂房A402


电话:+86-755-3353 0586


Shenzhen Zhiguanghong Technology Co., Ltd

Address : A402 ,Plant 1, Songxunda Plant, Building2,No.2 Longwo Fourth Road , Longtian community, Longtian Street, PingshanDistrict, Shenzhen.Postal code: 518122

Tel.:+86-755-3353 0586

Email: tianyu@zghon.com